My research experience can be generalized to include three characteristics: experimental testing, finite element method (FEM) modeling, and computer programming. As discussed below, I’ve had the opportunity to apply this skill set over a number of broad problem domains:
Injury Biomechanics
I spent over two and a half years as a Research Scientist at the Center for Applied Biomechanics (CAB). While CAB typically conducts automotive or military-related injury biomechanics studies, my primary research responsibilities involved the study of two sports-related foot injuries: metatarsophalangeal sprains (turf toe) and tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) dislocations.
Bone Biomechanics
Cancellous bone is typically found at the ends of long bones and in vertebrae. Since these are the anatomic sites where age-related fractures typically occur, an understanding of cancellous bone behaviour is critical to ensure that a patient’s fracture risk can be accurately assessed and their response to treatment can be evaluated. This need is particularly acute in western societies where the population is aging, and the health care costs associated with such fractures are expected to soar. My doctoral research studied various geometric and material effects on the mechanical properties of this tissue.
Metal Forming
My early research career dealt with investigations into the formability of automotive aluminum sheet alloys. This research was motivated by the desire to increase automotive fuel efficiency by the substitution of steel structures by lighter aluminum ones. I studied the bendability of these alloys for high-radius bending applications, such as hemming operations. In particular, I evaluated the role of second-phase particle populations on failure via the process of void nucleation, growth and coalescence.